Our Resources page contains links to sites that have career related information for sales, sales management and business development professionals of all levels. If you would like to request a worthy site for inclusion, please send us an email.
Job Search
General information sites for the job hunter:
- CHIMBY – Career advice search engine www.chimby.com
- Job Hunt – Online job search guide www.job-hunt.org
- Job Hunters Bible – What Color Is Your Parachute supplement www.jobhuntersbible.com
- The Riley Guide – Job search resources www.rileyguide.com
- MN Dept of Employment’s Creative Job Search Guide http://www.deed.state.mn.us/cjs/
Brush-up on your interview skills:
- Best Job Interview www.best-job-interview.com
- Interview Mastery www.interviewmastery.com
Build and leverage your professional selling network:
- LinkedIn www.linkedin.com
Manage and organize your Job Search progress:
- Jibber Jobber www.jibberjobber.com
Local Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Minnesota area job transition and networking groups:
- SHiFT – Help making successful midlife transitions www.shiftonline.org
- SMPnet – Sales & Marketing Professionals Network www.smpnet.org
- Smiling & Dialing – Executive networking club www.smilinganddialing.org
- Minneapolis Job Support Workshop www.mjsw.org
Resume and Cover Letters
Free career related templates to help get you started:
- Microsoft Office Online http://office.microsoft.com/
Resume services:
- 10 Minute Resume www.10minuteresume.com
- Free Resume www.myresumeonline.org
- Guaranteed Resumes www.gresumes.com
- University of Minnesota’s Resume Tutor www.umn.edu/ohr/careerdev/resources/resume
Resume distribution service:
- Resume Spider www.resumespider.com
Put your Resume on the web:
- Emurse www.emurse.com
- Visual CV www.visualcv.com
- Web Resume www.webresume.com
Sales Consulting
Revitalize your sales organization with Minnesota’s best:
- Action Selling www.actionselling.com
- Jill Konrath, Selling To Big Companies www.sellingtobigcompanies.com
- Ken Thoreson, Acumen Management Group www.acumenmgmt.com
- Terry Slattery, Slattery Sales Group www.slatterysales.com
Sales Process, Selling Skills & Certification Programs
Distinguish yourself among your peers by adopting a sales methodology:
- Dale Carnegie Training (Sales Advantage, Sell Like a Pro and more) www.dalecarnegie.com
- Enterprise Selling International (Customer Centric Selling) www.enterpriseselling.com
- Huthwaite (SPIN Selling Certificate Seminars) www.huthwaite.com
- Miller Heiman (Strategic Conceptual Selling) www.millerheiman.com
- Minnesota Sales Institute http://minnesotasalesinstitute.com
- Sales Performance International (Solution Selling) www.solutionselling.com
- The Sales Board (Action Selling) www.thesalesboard.com
- The TAS Group (Sales Methodology Solutions) www.thetasgroup.com
Resources for Sales Professionals
The directory of everything “Sales” on the web:
- Best of Sales www.bestofsales.com
Sites for selling techniques, tools, motivation and some fun:
- Eyes On Sales www.eyesonsales.com
- Just Sell www.justsell.com
- Sales Dog www.salesdog.com
- Sales 2.0 www.sales2.com
- Sales Vault www.salesvault.com
Customer centric sales effectiveness:
- The SPIN from Huthwaite www.huthwaiteinternational.com
Relationship and network building sites:
- LinkedIn www.linkedin.com
- Zoom Info www.zoominfo.com
Research & Intelligence
Gather information on your prospects, competitors or next employer:
- Dunn & Bradstreet www.dnb.com
- James J. Hill Business Library www.jjhill.org
Discover if your making what your worth:
- Salary www.salary.com
Professional Organizations
Become a member of your chosen profession:
- American Marketing Association www.ama.com
- Food Service Sales & Marketing Association www.fsmaonline.com
- Minnesota High Tech Association www.mhta.org
- National Association of Sales Professionals www.nasp.com
- National Sales Network www.salesnetwork.org
- Sales & Marketing Executives International www.smei.org
- Software & Information Industry Association www.siia.net
- Strategic Account Management Association www.strategicaccounts.org
- Technical Sales Association www.technicalsalesassociation.org
- Transportation Sales & Marketing Association www.tmsatoday.org
Business and personal coaching and success strategies:
- YESS www.sayyess.com
Background screening:
- Orange Tree Employment Screening www.orangetreescreening.com
Link Exchange Partners
- Sales Leads www.manageyourleads.com
- Internet Business Directory www.uscity.net
- Track It Down HR Search www.trak-it-down.com
- Electronic Application Management System www.profilesinternational.com
- Sales Jobs and Sales Recruitment www.salesrecruitmentagency.com
- CV Writing Service www.cv-service.org
- Saint Paul Business List Saint Paul Business List