
Our Resources page contains links to sites that have career related information for sales, sales management and business development professionals of all levels. If you would like to request a worthy site for inclusion, please send us an email.

Job Search

General information sites for the job hunter:

Brush-up on your interview skills:

Build and leverage your professional selling network:

Manage and organize your Job Search progress:

Local Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Minnesota area job transition and networking groups:

Resume and Cover Letters

Free career related templates to help get you started:

Resume services:

Resume distribution service:

Put your Resume on the web:

Sales Consulting

Revitalize your sales organization with Minnesota’s best:

Sales Process, Selling Skills & Certification Programs

Distinguish yourself among your peers by adopting a sales methodology:

Resources for Sales Professionals

The directory of everything “Sales” on the web:

Sites for selling techniques, tools, motivation and some fun:

Customer centric sales effectiveness:

Relationship and network building sites:

Research & Intelligence

Gather information on your prospects, competitors or next employer:

Discover if your making what your worth:

Professional Organizations

Become a member of your chosen profession:


Business and personal coaching and success strategies:

Background screening:

Link Exchange Partners